American health Acupuncture


Tucson's Best Traditional Oriental Medicine Clinic

Traditional Oriental Medicine Exam

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Juan taking woman's pulse during a traditional oriental medicine exam
Juan taking man's pulse during a traditional oriental medicine exam

Your AHA Experience begins with a Personalized Traditional Oriental Medicine Diagnosis.

Juan Tejada will carefully evaluate your current health condition and symptom(s) by asking questions about your past and present medical history, taking the pulses, observing the tongue, the eyes, the face and palpating various areas of your body for tenderness/tension. After arriving at a specific T.O.M. diagnosis, Juan will design your personalized treatment plan, frequency of Acupuncture treatments and traditional oriental medicine to resolve your illness/symptoms and the root cause.

Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not use the information on this website for treating or diagnosing a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication, supplement, or other treatment. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplement, or adopting any treatment for a disease or health problem.

La información en este sitio web se proporciona únicamente con fines informativos y no pretende ser un sustituto del asesoramiento proporcionado por su médico u otro profesional de la salud. No debe utilizar la información de este sitio web para tratar o diagnosticar un problema de salud o enfermedad, ni para recetar medicamentos, suplementos u otros tratamientos. Siempre debe hablar con su médico u otro profesional de la salud antes de tomar cualquier medicamento o suplemento nutricional, herbal o homeopático, o adoptar cualquier tratamiento para una enfermedad o problema de salud.