Ancient Restoration Rooted in Nature, Perfected over Thousands of Years
Wellness Assessment
We are literally what we Eat, Think, and Feel

We as humans with our fast-paced lifestyle have lost the motivation and knowledge how to keep ourselves healthy and joyful. Taking care of ourselves got lost with the conveniences of fast foods, eating what we “feel like” rather than choosing freshly made, nutritious meals and taking the time to enjoy it all.
Unfortunately, today’s modern eating habits are contributing to some of the most common health conditions such as obesity, depression, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis….

We support your commitment to be healthy with our Personalized Wellness Assessment based on the Ancient tools for optimum wellness. We use our knowledge in both Chinese/Oriental Medicine and Western Nutrition to share to support goals. Nutrition is an important element of the Traditional Chinese/Oriental Medicine system.
To achieve wellness/good health Oriental/Chinese Medicine includes the following: Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Nutrition, Lifestyle, Qi gung, Meditation. This system was utilized by the ancient people to achieve maintain a healthy and joyful life.