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American health Acupuncture

Natural Allergy Suppressant

Natural Allergy Suppressant

We have many different Herbal Formulas to ease allergy symptoms and for asthma and at the same time work on healing the root cause. So that is our first line of defense as well as giving acupuncture treatments for allergies, asthma, and other breathing problems.
But we also like to help our patients with DIY (Do it yourself) remedies that they can do for themselves to boost symptom relief in every possible way.
So here is a favorite of mine- a natural allergy suppressant recipe. This easy to make recipe will help for those itchy sneezy moments when everything decides to bloom or blow around you!

Take equal parts of these 3 essential oils:

  1. Peppermint
  2. Lavender
  3. Lemon (I only had Lemongrass on hand – and that works great too!)

Put equal amount of drops into a aromatherapy diffuser- preferably one that mists without heating up the oil (at least no more than room temperature. So you keep the original life essence in the oils.)

* They also make diffusers for your car.
* Ladies- they make necklaces that you place the drops onto a pad and wear it. But for this particular symptom- the diffused air works best.

I recently found a 2 pack on sale delivered to my door from Costco- and I love them. Use one at home, and have one for the office. Everyone will thank you at work.

“Breathe easy my friends- and do it with the help from a natural source with no side effects!”

To get started, you can come to the best Acupuncture facility available in Tucson. We bring your health and quality of life back! Do it the natural way and avoid any nasty side effects. Give us a call today and we can get you started. With over 22 years in the Tucson area we are the best acupuncture treatment center you can trust. We also provide the best Natural Allergy Suppressant around.

natural allergy suppressant