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American health Acupuncture

Month: February 2019

Ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine Facts About Bone Broth

Bone Broth or Bone Marrow Broth, it’s a good natural medicine. For 20 years our Tucson Acupuncturist Juan Tejada has shared his recipe with thousands of his acupuncture patients.

Recently- a wave of Bone Broth products have come out on the market. This has created some confusion to what is the best for our patients.  Juan says 1st and foremost recommends:

1-      Natural real beef bones with marrow prepared into his broth recipe and then used in soups or consumed as liquid/broth are the absolute best way to get all the nutrition and health benefits.

Note VERY IMPORTANT:  Juan’s Bone Broth recipe (given to new patients) uses Traditional Chinese Medicine’s ancient knowledge of using lime/lemon juice to boil the bones to extract the calcium from the bones…. and then uses 3 secret key ingredients to take out the acidity from the beef bones.

2-      Do not use chicken bones- they are too hot according to Traditional Chinese Medicine food energetic’s – especially for women.

3    Because some patients were asking for processed pre-packaged products to use in a pinch….
We decided to research and contact two highly advertised Bone Broth suppliers of pre-made bone both products for a confirmation of their ingredients.

Quite a surprise for me was – I didn’t know that I would need to ask what kind of bones they use for making their Beef Bone Broth until she told me they were made from boiled chicken bones and not sure if they had marrow in them.

I gave up in all good conscience to recommend any as they have been industrialized and processed until the life giving energy is mostly all gone. Besides, it’s so easy to make your own, delicious, and more economical.

Questions to ask when selecting real marrow bones or  any industrialized products are:

  1. Which animal are the bones from?
  1. Asking if they contain any marrow in them before they process is a must too.
  1. Were the bones form the animals 100% grass fed and grass finished? (no corn or feed lot at any part of the life of the animal) (And not the term “vegetarian diet”- this just adds confusion to waht you are getting. Their natural diet is just grass and what they eat becomes what you eat.)
  1. Did they process the bones with lemon or lime juice or vinegar? And for what length of time?
  1. Also note any chemical names or flavorings, spices or flavorings that are not named or any use of sweeteners should not be listed in the ingredients. This is a Major red flag!

So needless to say- There are no shortcuts to good health! Just take a little time and do it! Make the real deal and gain the health benefits. YOU ARE WORTH IT!

  4 easy ways to cook bone marrow bones:

1-     Electric pressure cooker with a timer (no evaporation and only 4 hours on high temp) Note; the Longer you cook them the more your leach the good stuff out from them. We usually set our Electric pressure cooker on the canning setting and cycle it several times for about 6 hrs and then overnight on slow cooking setting for 12 hours.

2-     Slow cooker- 12 hours approx. (monitor water levels)

3-     On the side burner of your grill (boil 3-4 hours monitor water levels)

4-     On your stove top ( boil 3-4 hours monitor water levels)

(Hint:  I prefer to cook outside – keeping my home free from food odors from the above 3 examples.)

The Difference Between Joy and Happiness

Acupuncturist Juan Tejada gives an example of lifestyle coaching during an Optimized Acupuncture Treatment from his local Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Clinic:

Coaching one of my patients the other day…. she asked me “why I kept on saying JOY and wanted to know the difference between them.”

For me, Happiness is a short satisfaction created by the mind when we buy a car, meet a girl/guy we like; eat an ice cream, a good dessert, etc. Once the experience is over, our happiness goes away.  Joy is a feeling that comes from the heart, a state of grace, of gratefulness. JOY is present at all times, in abundance or lean times. Once we reach the state of JOY, life is a piece of cake!  I wish JOY for all of you.    

And YES! Acupuncture is not only an effective means for treating pain and illness, but is also great for clearing the mind and letting the “joy” in you flow.

Juan Tejada L.Ac., offers several choices of treatments at his clinic- One is an “Optimum” or “Optimized” Acupuncture Treatment that includes one of many different modalities including life coaching if desired.

What Hydrates – What Dehydrates

Lemons for water to help hydrate you.

Acupuncturist Juan Tejada gives an example of nutritional counseling included during a New Patient Exam Consultation which all acupuncture patients receive when beginning their wellness process at our local Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Clinic.

What hydrates – What dehydrates! 

Many times patients come into our office asking our acupuncturist about ways to feel better. The conversation covers many subjects, but one of the big key factors to health is our body’s hydration.

Our patients share with us the amount of soda, coffee, and sports drinks like Gatorade that they drink. Many do not know that these beverages dehydrate the body so they need to drink more water to be hydrated.  

Some experts say that we need to drink at least 1/2 gallon of water to keep our bodies hydrated. 
You will actually need to drink equal amounts of water that you consumed in soda or coffee just to flush out the sugar and caffeine, then drink the daily portion of water just to remain at your optimum best.

Think of your body as an automobile… if you don’t put the right amount of fluids (gas and oil) in it…it will begin to run badly and eventually die. The body is the same, it needs water to function correctly. Our blood gets thick when not fully hydrated, our heart works harder to pump this slush and the extra effort causes heart palpitations or worse. Also, the brain doesn’t get enough blood and gets hot…so headaches or migraines can happen.

We want you to be healthy so we encourage you to drink filtered water instead of sodas, sports drinks…  
In case you dislike the unflavored part of drinking water, squeeze a little lime or lemon juice and ad an small pinch of sea salt in a glass of water. This will help your body to process the water better and keep you hydrated!

Juan Tejada L.Ac., offers several choices of treatments at his Tucson Acupuncture clinic where he practices Traditional Chinese Medicine. Learn more about this natural medicine and why we are…
So much more than just needles!