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American health Acupuncture

The Difference Between Joy and Happiness

Acupuncturist Juan Tejada gives an example of lifestyle coaching during an Optimized Acupuncture Treatment from his local Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Clinic:

Coaching one of my patients the other day…. she asked me “why I kept on saying JOY and wanted to know the difference between them.”

For me, Happiness is a short satisfaction created by the mind when we buy a car, meet a girl/guy we like; eat an ice cream, a good dessert, etc. Once the experience is over, our happiness goes away.  Joy is a feeling that comes from the heart, a state of grace, of gratefulness. JOY is present at all times, in abundance or lean times. Once we reach the state of JOY, life is a piece of cake!  I wish JOY for all of you.    

And YES! Acupuncture is not only an effective means for treating pain and illness, but is also great for clearing the mind and letting the “joy” in you flow.

Juan Tejada L.Ac., offers several choices of treatments at his clinic- One is an “Optimum” or “Optimized” Acupuncture Treatment that includes one of many different modalities including life coaching if desired.