American health Acupuncture

Category: Informational

Estas recetas son nutritivas y medicinales

Medicina Natural en Tucson – Recetas para el otoño e invierno

Medicina Natural en Tucson – Recetas para el otoño e invierno.

Estas recetas son nutritivas y medicinales, un alimento perfecto para el otoño e invierno. 

La Medicina Tradicional China usa colores para indicar cuales alimentos son beneficiosos a cada órgano del cuerpo. Los alimentos blancos nutren los pulmones; Alimentos negro y azul nutren a los riñones; alimentos verdes nutren al hígado; alimentos amarillos y anaranjados nutren el bazo/páncreas; alimentos rojos nutren el corazón. Así que si tienes problemas de corazón, come más alimentos rojos, una digestión débil, come más alimentos amarillos y anaranjados, y así sucesivamente. Esta medicina natural es  increíble ¿NO? ¡Nuestros cuerpos ya vienen codificados por color!

Vegetales Condimentados a la parrilla: 3 Versiones

Estas recetas son nutritivas y medicinales
Vegetales Condimentados a la parrilla


  • Calabaza dulce y remolachas

1 Remolacha grande y 1 Calabaza grande pelada y sin semillas.

  • Combinación de Hongos, Berenjena, Pimientos, Cebollas y Apio

1 hongo Portobello grande, 1 berenjena, 1 pimiento verde y 1 rojo sin semillas, 1  Cebolla grande, 2 tallos de apio

  • Camotes (Sweet Potatetos/Yams)

Con cepillo lava y corta en rodajas .

Ingredientes:  Utiliza productos orgánicos siempre que sea posible.

Aceite de oliva extra virgen.

Condimentos sin sal (usa especies en lugar de sal)

Instrucciones:  Lava y corta los vegetales, de la versión escogida. Pon todo dentro de una bolsa de plástico grande. Vierta ½ taza de aceite de oliva extra virgen en la bolsa, séllala, y agita hasta que todos este revuelto. En una cacerola grande (pon papel pergamino en el fondo) vierte los vegetales, riega generosamente los condimentos sobre los vegetales y hornéalos a 325 grados de 15 a 20 minutos, está listo cuando el tenedor penetra fácilmente. Servir caliente.

Estas recetas son nutritivas y medicinales

Natural Medicine in Tucson – Recipe for Seasonal Eating – Wintertime

Eating a Seasonal Diet is true Natural Medicine in Tucson.

All of these root vegeatbles benefit your body’s much needed nutritional needs- and are a perfect food for Fall/Winter.

Did you know foods per Traditional Chinese Medicine are color coded?!

Meaning the food colors correspond to the corresponding body systems. White foods nourish the Lungs; black & dark blue foods nourish the Kidneys; green foods nourish the Liver; yellow & orange foods nourish the Spleen & Stomach; red foods nourish the Heart.

So if you have heart problems- eat foods with more red, a weak digestion- eat more yellow or orange, and so on. Isn’t this natural medicine amazing? Our bodies already come color coded!

They are simple delicious and use many different colors of vegetables to nourish you.  Natural Medicine in Tucson shares recipe

Seasoned  Roasted Vegts.  -3 different Versions

  • Butternut Squash & Beets

1 Large beet & 1 large butternut squash seeded and peeled.

  • Mushroom Eggplant Peppers Onions & Celery

1 Portobello Mushroom, 1 eggplant, 1 Green & Red Bell Pepper seeded, 1 Lg. Onion, 2 stalks celery

  • Yam or Sweet Potatoes

Scrub clean and slice into medallions Yams or Sweet potatoes


Ingredients:  Use organic produce whenever possible.

Choice of Oils:  Organic Avocado Oil, Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, or Extra virgin olive oil

No salt seasoning

Directions:  Wash & Cut up vegetables. From one of the 3 versions listed above. And place all inside a large Ziplock bag. Pour ½ cup of Extra virgin olive oil into bag, seal, and shake. Pour onto large baking pan lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle No salt seasoning over all. Bake at 325 degrees in oven for about 20-30 minutes until fork tender. Serve hot.

Carpal Tunnel Acupuncture Treatment In Oro Valley

We offer Carpal Tunnel Acupuncture treatment in Oro Valleycarpal tunnel acupuncture
Having surgery is unnecessary!  We can fix it – No Problem!
Our computer website specialist shared with us he had had been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. He told us how he uses Hot Keys like typing Control V = to Paste and Control C = to Copy to prevent his wrist from hurting. But by now it was too late. He really needed help. We then shared how we can help with acupuncture treatments for carpal tunnel. Our Acupuncture Treatments reduce the swelling and pain in the wrist as well as all the connecting tissue in the arm, shoulder and neck.  Our treatments using acupuncture and Chinese herbs also addresses the sleeping and other problems that often accompany this condition.

This is one of the most common job-related injuries. It is responsible for the highest number of days lost among all work related injuries.

Recent research shows that Acupuncture treatments are even more effective than corticosteroids in treating carpal tunnel, and with no side effects. It’s completely natural! Research studies show effective results for this condition.

We commonly treat health conditions that involve physical pain from using many types of tech devices.  Call us to find out more.

Acupuncture for Golf Elbow

Acupuncture for Golf Elbow

Mary (name has been changed) came to see me for a “Golf Elbow” problem; she played golf, not tennis.  Her elbow had been painful for a few months and was affecting her golf game as well as her life.  She loves the game and likes to win every time and at home she had problems doing the house work.

According to Mary, the pain had been reduced by 70% after 2 treatments. As we continue the treatments she commented that she was sleeping better, that her husband had commented how much easier married life had become.  Mary realized that the treatments were helping her beyond healing the tennis elbow problem.  She came once a week for her treatment and marveled at how her golf game had improved, how rested she felt, how she could do more now without feeling tired.

The best for me was when she told me how much her husband loved me because she (Mary) was so much easier to get along with.  Cases like this one make my life fuller; it is such a joy to see the patients come in with a lot of physical, mental, emotional problems and feeling out of control and leave transformed. After a few sessions they begin to feel good take control of their lives again! Thanks Mary!!!

Get Acupuncture for Golf Elbow today

At our Tucson Oro Valley Marana Acupuncture Clinic- we practice Traditional Chinese Medicine.  We have Acupuncture for Golf Elbow, as well as many other sports injuries. The sooner you can receive an acupuncture treatment after an injury the quicker it will heal. So don’t wait! Call us today and begin feeling and living a better quality of life.

You also have natural healing options if you are experiencing anxiety, depression, and emotional issues! Call us to find out more about this wonderful healing medicine- that is so much more than just needles.

What is Juan Water?

As the office manager at American Health Acupuncture in Tucson AZ, I get to hear all the amazing success stories directly from our patients as they come and go from our clinic. Recently, a mother and her 17-year-old son, coming in for treatments from Sierra Vista, shared a short conversation they had earlier in their car during their trip here.
He asked his Mom if she could make “Juan Water” again. He missed it. I asked them both what was “Juan Water”? They told me that both of their kids enjoyed having it available in the home while they were growing up. His Mom said she liked to have it available on the counter in one of those self-dispensing water jugs, so they could help themselves all day long. They drink little to no soda in their family.
You see, the son had been treated by our Acupuncturist, Juan Tejada, since he was 7 years old, for many conditions that youth’s encounter during the growing years. One of the very first times he had come in for acupuncture, he was told of how to make his water more flavorful and most of all…healthy to drink. Add a pinch of sea salt and a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice to your water. This actually benefits the body by helping the spleen with the absorption into the body. * When severely dehydrated, use lots of fresh lime/lemon juice and add sea salt so you can taste it.
What a great healthy choice and a great practice to raise a healthier family. At such a young age, he actually “Got  It!” WE constantly re-educate our patients about natural ways to feed and fuel their bodies. Water is one of the least liked beverages in our U.S. culture,  but most important fluid we can put into our bodies.
“So next time you reach for a drink, make it “Juan Water” and hydrate your body with a natural electrolyte combination.”
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La información en este sitio web se proporciona únicamente con fines informativos y no pretende ser un sustituto del asesoramiento proporcionado por su médico u otro profesional de la salud. No debe utilizar la información de este sitio web para tratar o diagnosticar un problema de salud o enfermedad, ni para recetar medicamentos, suplementos u otros tratamientos. Siempre debe hablar con su médico u otro profesional de la salud antes de tomar cualquier medicamento o suplemento nutricional, herbal o homeopático, o adoptar cualquier tratamiento para una enfermedad o problema de salud.