The Side Effects of Acupuncture
This natural medicine doesn’t have to be scary! For some people, trying Traditional Chinese medicine or TCM for the first time can be uncharted foreign territory. The needles we use are sterile, used once, and are hair thin. Here’s a short story of one patient’s experience with the healing process from our Tucson Acupuncture Clinic.
Acupuncturist Juan Tejada explains in a 60 second Radio spot about the side effects of acupuncture – or should we say the Side Benefits of acupuncture using Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbal Formulas, and Acupuncture for pain, stress, injury and more in Tucson. Pre-recorded locally in Tucson on the radio.
The Side Effects of Acupuncture at a glance
Receive the whole medicine as it was meant to be (not just acupuncture) and then get the best and fastest results by choosing a fully qualified and fully trained acupuncturist (with a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine)- The experience of your practitioner really does matter! Get the results from an experienced Acupuncturist in Oro Valley, Marana, and Tucson– American Health Acupuncture– So much more than just needles!
About American Health Acupuncture
Experience the best acupuncture treatment available. With over 22 years of experience in the Tucson area. Juan R. Tejado is the name you can trust. With safe and natural herbal formulas / solutions, you’ll achieve comprehensive holistic health. He is highly regarded for his approach to Chinese medicine and particularly for his skills as an acupuncturist and energy healer. There’s no need to fear The Side Effects of Acupuncture. We make sure your treat comes with a safe and speedy recovery. Call Us today to get started on your path to healing.