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Food Helps Back Pain – Tucson Acupuncturist Recipe By Juan Tejada | Acupuncturist
I work with a lot of patients suffering from low back pain. In Oriental Medicine the lower back is the Kidneys’ territory. So if no trauma is reported by the patient, we treat the kidneys to reduce the pain and with time, heal it. There are several reasons why the kidneys can cause low back pain. For example: Energy (Chi) Deficiency, Kidneys too cold or too hot… Of course you can help yourself with medicinal food. So here is a recipe to get and keep your kidneys strong and healthy with this Food Helps Back Pain Tucson Acupuncturist recipe.
Juan’s Beef (Bone Marrow) Soup

3 lbs. of beef bones with marrow, (Bison- is our preferred favorite)
2 lbs. of beef soup meat (cubed)
1 organic lime or lemon (may substitute ¼ cup raw Organic apple cider vinegar)
3 bay leaves
1 lb. of organic red potatoes (cubed) – we substitute yucca root
3 medium size organic carrots (sliced)
1 bundle of organic collard greens or kale (cut in half inch length)
1 medium size organic Onion (cubed)
7 cloves of organic garlic (minced)
1 tbsp of organic ginger (grated) (Ginger warms the spleen, so the digestion works better.)
Put the bones in 7 cups of water, squeeze the juice of the lime/lemon in the water and then add the bay leaves. (Note: The juice of lime or lemon is very important to help the extract the calcium from the bones.) Bring it to boiling and lower the heat to simmer for two hours. Then remove the bones & Bay leaves. Add the soup meat and let come to a boil.
Now add the potatoes, carrots, onion, garlic, ginger and the greens in the boiling pot. At this time, add salt and your favorite seasonings, like; Mexican, Italian, Hindu (I make it a different flavor each time) and so on. Let it simmer for 15 minutes, let it cool a bit and serve! ¡Buen Apetito!
4 easiest ways to cook your bone marrow bones:
1- Our Preferred method: Electric pressure cooker with a timer (no evaporation and only 4 hours on high temp) Note: the Longer you cook them the more your leach the good stuff out from them. We usually set our Electric pressure cooker on the highest (canning) setting and cycle it several times for about a total of 6 hrs and then overnight on slow cooking setting for 12 hours. Yeah- about 18 hours- might as well get all the benefits!
2- Slow cooker- 12 hours approx. (monitor water levels)
3- On the side burner of your grill (boil 3-4 hours monitor water levels)
4- On your stove top (boil 3-4 hours monitor water levels)
(Hint: I prefer to cook outside – keeping my home free from food odors from the above 3 examples.)
(Remember to always add and cook the 3 Key Ingredients “Holy Trinity” to your broth- whether making it with other ingredients or not to remove the acidity from the beef bones. The Holy Trinity is also known as: onion, garlic, and ginger.)
Bone Broth or Bone Marrow Broth, it’s a good natural medicine. For over 22 years our Tucson Acupuncturist Juan Tejada has shared his recipe with thousands of his acupuncture patients.
Recently- a wave of Bone Broth products have come out on the market. This has created some confusion to what is the best for our patients. Juan says 1st and foremost recommends:
1- Natural real beef bones with marrow prepared into his broth recipe and then used in soups or consumed as liquid/broth are the absolute best way to get all the nutrition and health benefits. (Source your meat and bones from pasture raised and pasture finished)
Note VERY IMPORTANT: Juan’s Bone Broth recipe – uses Traditional Chinese Medicine’s ancient knowledge of using lime/lemon juice to boil the bones to extract the calcium from the bones. AND utilizes 3 key ingredients to take out the acidity from the beef bones.
2- Do not use chicken bones- they are too hot – especially for women.
So needless to say- There are no shortcuts to good health! Just take a little time and do it! Make the real deal and gain the benefits. YOU ARE WORTH IT!
Learn more about real Bone Broth: https://www.ahatucson.com/ancient-traditional-chinese-medicine-facts-about-bone-broth/