American health Acupuncture

What is Juan Water?

As the office manager at American Health Acupuncture in Tucson AZ, I get to hear all the amazing success stories directly from our patients as they come and go from our clinic. Recently, a mother and her 17-year-old son, coming in for treatments from Sierra Vista, shared a short conversation they had earlier in their car during their trip here.
He asked his Mom if she could make “Juan Water” again. He missed it. I asked them both what was “Juan Water”? They told me that both of their kids enjoyed having it available in the home while they were growing up. His Mom said she liked to have it available on the counter in one of those self-dispensing water jugs, so they could help themselves all day long. They drink little to no soda in their family.
You see, the son had been treated by our Acupuncturist, Juan Tejada, since he was 7 years old, for many conditions that youth’s encounter during the growing years. One of the very first times he had come in for acupuncture, he was told of how to make his water more flavorful and most of all…healthy to drink. Add a pinch of sea salt and a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice to your water. This actually benefits the body by helping the spleen with the absorption into the body. * When severely dehydrated, use lots of fresh lime/lemon juice and add sea salt so you can taste it.
What a great healthy choice and a great practice to raise a healthier family. At such a young age, he actually “Got  It!” WE constantly re-educate our patients about natural ways to feed and fuel their bodies. Water is one of the least liked beverages in our U.S. culture,  but most important fluid we can put into our bodies.
“So next time you reach for a drink, make it “Juan Water” and hydrate your body with a natural electrolyte combination.”

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