American health Acupuncture

6 Tips to Feng Shui Your Home

Do these simple things before Feb. 5th 2019 (Chinese New Year) to capture our New Years energy boosting changes.

Using Feng Shui – These 6 Tips will Revitalize your home

Ladies….even a guy can do these quickly, so no excuses!

Bring the healthy energizing energy into your home and keep your life flowing easily – by just doing these 6 simple things:

  1. Keep your front walkway and entry to your door swept clean – this allows prosperity and beneficial energy to come into your home.
  2. Keep shoes away from the door- shoes laying by the front door kicks out the abundances flowing and coming into the home.
  3. Keep the dust away inside the home, remembering to dust your computer and TV screens – this removes stagnant or dead energy.
  4. Keep your windows and mirrors clean- allows new solar light energy to flow freely keeping your home in a positive emotional state.
  5. Remove recycle or donate old dated magazines and newspapers (even the old National Geographic)this allows new opportunities to come your way, instead of being stuck in the past and not moving forward in life.
  6. Keep both toilet seats down when not in use, otherwise it flushes all the good energy down the drain.

Optimize the New Year’s energy by Feng Shui-ing your home and see what positive changes happen. At the very least it’ll feel much better.

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