American health Acupuncture

Treating Fibromyalgia with Acupuncture and Medicinal Herbal Formulas in Tucson

Here’s some help for those suffering from fibromyalgia who are seeking natural remedies:

The label “fibromyalgia” is often given when nothing else fits.

For us, this condition means that the energy and the blood are not flowing smoothly, that causes pain among other things.  It is a complicated condition because it includes the mental, emotional, as well as the physical aspect of the person.

Fibromyalgia, for me, is the body’s way of saying to the person: “We have physical and emotional problems and we need to resolve them”. The body is our alarm system, when do not feel well, we need to look within to see what we have done to cause the discomfort; but most of the time we reach for a pill or injection to deaden the feeling and then we forget about it.  Of course, some time later, it will come back and if we continue to reach for the pill eventually becomes chronic.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) we treat all these conditions effectively and naturally and our patients end up being healthy and happy!  So if you have been given this label and want to begin to help yourself; contact us today.

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