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American health Acupuncture

Acupuntura para la Infertilidad Mediante la Medicina Tradicional China

YouTube Video en Inglés
Juan Tejada Acupunturista local de Tucson comparte en 1 minuto de medicina natural de como la medicina tradicional china (que incluye acupuntura, hierbas Chinas, cambios de estilo de vida) Naturalmente ayuda a concebir. En un programa pre-grabado en la radio local de Tucson.

¡Esta medicina natural funciona para hacer bebés! La medicina empieza por traer balance al ser humano, una vez en balance la madre naturaleza puede reproducir bebés sanos, fuertes y bellos. Acupunturista totalmente cualificado y con una maestría en Medicina Oriental – La experiencia de su practicante es realmente importante.

La receta natural y favorita de Sherry para suprimir las alergias

Tenemos muchas diferentes fórmulas de hierbas para aliviar los síntomas de la alergia y el asma, al mismo tiempo trabajamos en la curación de la raíz o causa. Esa es nuestra primera línea de defensa e incluimos tratamientos de acupuntura para las alergias, el asma y otros problemas respiratorios.

También nos gusta ayudar a nuestros pacientes con DIY (hágalo usted mismo) remedios que pueden hacer en casa para aliviar los síntomas de todas las formas posibles.

Nuestra favorita receta de alivio natural de la alergia. Este fácil de hacer la receta le ayudará para esos momentos cuando no para de estornudar.

3 partes iguales de aceites esenciales:

• Menta

• Lavanda

• Limón (zacate de limón que tenía a mano – y que funciona muy bien también!)

Ponga la misma cantidad de gotas en un difusor- aromaterapia, preferiblemente uno que hace vapor fresco sin calentar el aceite (a la temperatura ambiente. Así se mantiene la esencia original de los aceites.)

* También hacen difusores para su coche.

* Unas señoras lo usan en collares ponen las gotas de aceite sobre un cojincito. Esto es para síntomas en particular, el aire vaporizado funciona mejor.

Hace poco encontré un paquete de 2 a la venta y los trajeron a mi puerta del Costco. Utilizo uno en casa, y el otro en la oficina.
Todo el mundo se lo agradecerá en el trabajo.

¿Qué es Agua de Juan?

Como administradora de la American Health Acupuncture, yo escucho las historias increíbles directamente de nuestros pacientes de los resultados que obtienen en nuestra clínica. Recientemente, una madre y su hijo de 17 años, que vienen a recibir tratamientos desde Sierra Vista, compartieron una breve conversación que habían tenido antes en su coche durante su viaje aquí.

El Joven, le preguntó a su mamá que le hiciera Agua de Juan (“Juan Water”) pues le hacía falta. Les pregunte ¿que es “Agua de Juan”? La madre me dijo que la familia había tomado Agua de Juan mientras los hijos crecían y era la bebida favorita de todos ellos.

Los dos hijos habían sido tratados por nuestro Acupunturista, Juan Tejada desde los 7 años de edad por varias condiciones a través de su crecimiento. Parte de muchas condiciones es deshidratación y a los niños no les gustaba el agua, Juan recomendó que para darle sabor al agua podían añadirle una pizca de sal marina y un limón fresco. Esto ayuda al cuerpo a re-hidratarse de una manera natural. * Si estas extremadamente desidratado usa mas jugo de limon y ponle suficiente sal marina para sentir il sabor de sal.

Nuestra cultura no toma suficiente agua y eso es el principio de muchas enfermedades

Así que la próxima vez que tomes un vaso de agua, que sea “Agua de Juan”.

The Side Effects of Acupuncture

This natural medicine doesn’t have to be scary! For some people, trying Traditional Chinese medicine or TCM for the first time can be uncharted foreign territory. The needles we use are sterile, used once, and are hair thin. Here’s a short story of one patient’s experience with the healing process from our Tucson Acupuncture Clinic.

The Side Effects of Acupuncture

Acupuncturist Juan Tejada explains in a 60 second Radio spot  about  the side effects of acupuncture – or should we say the Side Benefits of acupuncture using Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbal Formulas, and Acupuncture for pain, stress, injury and more in Tucson. Pre-recorded locally in Tucson on the radio.

The Side Effects of Acupuncture at a glance

Receive the whole medicine as it was meant to be (not just acupuncture) and then get the best and fastest results by choosing a fully qualified and fully trained acupuncturist (with a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine)- The experience of your practitioner really does matter! Get the results from an experienced Acupuncturist in Oro Valley, Marana, and Tucson– American Health Acupuncture– So much more than just needles!

About American Health Acupuncture

Experience the best acupuncture treatment available. With over 22 years of experience in the Tucson area. Juan R. Tejado is the name you can trust. With safe and natural herbal formulas / solutions, you’ll achieve comprehensive holistic health. He is highly regarded for his approach to Chinese medicine and particularly for his skills as an acupuncturist and energy healer. There’s no need to fear The Side Effects of Acupuncture. We make sure your treat comes with  a safe and speedy recovery. Call Us today to get started on your path to healing.


Home remedies and nutritional therapies

Home remedies and nutritional therapies

Have you noticed….There are so many great herbs and nutritional therapies being shared everywhere regarding their natural healing benefits? However, that being said….

BE WARNED!!!!!! Sometimes making the wrong adjustments to your body’s chemistry can cause more harm than good.

1 – Taking single herbs are rarely a good idea. Which ones would you benefit from?

2 – Detoxing may not be a good idea either! How do you know a detox is right for you?

3 – Eating Smoothies or raw fruits/vegetables may cause a problem for many people.

In short (VERY SHORT SIMPLIFIED explanation)….

1 –  Herbs are best introduced into the body in a combination with other herbs or as the whole plant or maybe using the flowers only, or the leaves only, or the stems only, or the roots only. It depends on the physical or emotional change you are making to bring the body into balance. Most of us are not trained in the pharmacology of these plants and may cause the body more stress, add more heat, too cooling etc…. Knowing what your particular body’s needs are as well as it’s constitution is important.

2 –  Detoxing can strip the body of much needed energy when someone is ill or getting close to illness and may cause a healing crisis in many different ways. Doing a detox is best after bringing the body into a more balanced state. Then the detox process can help move the toxins out of the body without depleting the person’s energy or immune system or their capacity to heal. In TCM we have formulas that naturally aid in detoxing without depleting the body. (Again – everything in balance.)

3 – Something a simple as a smoothie can cause the body to more imbalanced. Many smoothie recipes may sound healthy and healing- but may cause an opposite effect. Example: too sweet with too much fruit or too cooling for a person who has digestive issues, or blood sugar levels, etc…. One needs to know what combinations of spices, or ingredients help to balance a raw beverage and which ones are beneficial for your individual body’s constitution. This is crucial in order to gain the nutritional healing benefits.

Your best choice in doing these home remedies and nutritional therapies isknowing what your particular body type needs. In Traditional Chinese  Medicine (TCM) we take into account all of this when treating our patients with herbs, acupuncture, and make nutritional and lifestyle recommendations to bring their body’s back into balance and wellbeing.

Before doing a detox or trying a new supplement or single herb (ie:  Tumeric, Macca Root, Aloe Vera Juice, etc….) please check with your healthcare practitioner and learn what your body needs.

Remember too-

“Your body’s needs are always changing – so must what you ingest! 

That way you will always be at your optimum!”

Good luck & best of health!

Receive the whole medicine as it was meant to be (not just acupuncture) and then get the best and fastest results by choosing a fully qualified and fully trained acupuncturist (with a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine)- The experience of your practitioner really does matter! Get the results from an experienced Acupuncturist in Oro Valley, Marana, and Tucson – American Health Acupuncture – So much more than just needles! With Home remedies and nutritional therapies you can be assured you’ll have the safest treatment with us.