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American health Acupuncture

Acupuntura para Fibromialgia la Condición Malentendida

Y aquí hay algo de ayuda para los enfermos de fibromialgia que están buscando los recursos naturales:

La diagnosis de “fibromialgia” se da a menudo cuando nada encaja. Para nosotros, esta condición significa que la energía y la sangre no fluyen normalmente y esto causa dolor, entre otras cosas. Es una condición complicada porque incluye lo mental, lo emocional, así como el aspecto físico de la persona.

La fibromialgia es para mí la manera que cuerpo dice a la persona “Tenemos problemas físicos y emocionales y tenemos que resolverlos”. El cuerpo es nuestro sistema de alarma, cuando no se siente bien, tenemos que mirar hacia dentro para ver lo que hemos hecho para causar el malestar, pero la mayoría de las veces nos tragamos una pastilla para aplacar el dolor/malestar y nos olvidamos de ello. Por supuesto, algún tiempo después, volverá y si seguimos tragando píldoras con el tiempo el malestar se vuelve crónico.

En la Medicina Tradicional China (MTC) tratamos estas condiciones de forma natural y eficaz y los pacientes terminan siendo saludable y felices.

Treating Fibromyalgia with Acupuncture and Medicinal Herbal Formulas in Tucson

Here’s some help for those suffering from fibromyalgia who are seeking natural remedies:

The label “fibromyalgia” is often given when nothing else fits.

For us, this condition means that the energy and the blood are not flowing smoothly, that causes pain among other things.  It is a complicated condition because it includes the mental, emotional, as well as the physical aspect of the person.

Fibromyalgia, for me, is the body’s way of saying to the person: “We have physical and emotional problems and we need to resolve them”. The body is our alarm system, when do not feel well, we need to look within to see what we have done to cause the discomfort; but most of the time we reach for a pill or injection to deaden the feeling and then we forget about it.  Of course, some time later, it will come back and if we continue to reach for the pill eventually becomes chronic.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) we treat all these conditions effectively and naturally and our patients end up being healthy and happy!  So if you have been given this label and want to begin to help yourself; contact us today.

6 Tips to Feng Shui Your Home

Do these simple things before Feb. 5th 2019 (Chinese New Year) to capture our New Years energy boosting changes.

Using Feng Shui – These 6 Tips will Revitalize your home

Ladies….even a guy can do these quickly, so no excuses!

Bring the healthy energizing energy into your home and keep your life flowing easily – by just doing these 6 simple things:

  1. Keep your front walkway and entry to your door swept clean – this allows prosperity and beneficial energy to come into your home.
  2. Keep shoes away from the door- shoes laying by the front door kicks out the abundances flowing and coming into the home.
  3. Keep the dust away inside the home, remembering to dust your computer and TV screens – this removes stagnant or dead energy.
  4. Keep your windows and mirrors clean- allows new solar light energy to flow freely keeping your home in a positive emotional state.
  5. Remove recycle or donate old dated magazines and newspapers (even the old National Geographic)this allows new opportunities to come your way, instead of being stuck in the past and not moving forward in life.
  6. Keep both toilet seats down when not in use, otherwise it flushes all the good energy down the drain.

Optimize the New Year’s energy by Feng Shui-ing your home and see what positive changes happen. At the very least it’ll feel much better.

Counting our Blessings – Natural Changes


I imagine that, like me, you have been watching all the natural changes/disasters going on all over the world; and like me, you are wondering what you can do to help.

You can volunteer or help economically but if you cannot do either, then I have a suggestion. I suggest we all work on ourselves to make this a loving world so Mother Nature does not have to remind us that we are abusing her.

One of my teachers told me that “the best gift I can give to myself and others was to work on healing myself”. There are many ways we can do this healing work. As an Oriental Medicine Practitioner, I teach and coach my patients with many healing tools that they use themselves to improve their everyday life. Beginning with us and sharing this peace with our brothers and sisters is powerful and contagious.

So let’s work together to heal ourselves and live in harmony with Mother Nature!

Este es el Mejor Tiempo para Sanarnos

Me imagino que como yo, Uds. han visto los cambios naturales/catástrofes ocurriendo en todo el mundo; y como yo, ustedes se han preguntado qué pueden hacer para ayudar. 

Usted puede ser voluntario o ayudar económicamente, pero si no puede hacerlo bien entonces le sugiero que todos trabajemos en nosotros mismos para hacer este mundo más amoroso así la Madre Naturaleza no tiene que recordarnos que abusamos de ella. 
¡Uno de mis profesores espirituales me dijo que el mejor regalo que yo puedo darme y que ayuda a los demás es sanar mi corazón!  
Sanemos nuestro corazón y vivamos contentos en harmonía con la Madre Naturaleza.