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Home remedies and nutritional therapies

Home remedies and nutritional therapies

Have you noticed….There are so many great herbs and nutritional therapies being shared everywhere regarding their natural healing benefits? However, that being said….

BE WARNED!!!!!! Sometimes making the wrong adjustments to your body’s chemistry can cause more harm than good.

1 – Taking single herbs are rarely a good idea. Which ones would you benefit from?

2 – Detoxing may not be a good idea either! How do you know a detox is right for you?

3 – Eating Smoothies or raw fruits/vegetables may cause a problem for many people.

In short (VERY SHORT SIMPLIFIED explanation)….

1 –  Herbs are best introduced into the body in a combination with other herbs or as the whole plant or maybe using the flowers only, or the leaves only, or the stems only, or the roots only. It depends on the physical or emotional change you are making to bring the body into balance. Most of us are not trained in the pharmacology of these plants and may cause the body more stress, add more heat, too cooling etc…. Knowing what your particular body’s needs are as well as it’s constitution is important.

2 –  Detoxing can strip the body of much needed energy when someone is ill or getting close to illness and may cause a healing crisis in many different ways. Doing a detox is best after bringing the body into a more balanced state. Then the detox process can help move the toxins out of the body without depleting the person’s energy or immune system or their capacity to heal. In TCM we have formulas that naturally aid in detoxing without depleting the body. (Again – everything in balance.)

3 – Something a simple as a smoothie can cause the body to more imbalanced. Many smoothie recipes may sound healthy and healing- but may cause an opposite effect. Example: too sweet with too much fruit or too cooling for a person who has digestive issues, or blood sugar levels, etc…. One needs to know what combinations of spices, or ingredients help to balance a raw beverage and which ones are beneficial for your individual body’s constitution. This is crucial in order to gain the nutritional healing benefits.

Your best choice in doing these home remedies and nutritional therapies isknowing what your particular body type needs. In Traditional Chinese  Medicine (TCM) we take into account all of this when treating our patients with herbs, acupuncture, and make nutritional and lifestyle recommendations to bring their body’s back into balance and wellbeing.

Before doing a detox or trying a new supplement or single herb (ie:  Tumeric, Macca Root, Aloe Vera Juice, etc….) please check with your healthcare practitioner and learn what your body needs.

Remember too-

“Your body’s needs are always changing – so must what you ingest! 

That way you will always be at your optimum!”

Good luck & best of health!

Receive the whole medicine as it was meant to be (not just acupuncture) and then get the best and fastest results by choosing a fully qualified and fully trained acupuncturist (with a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine)- The experience of your practitioner really does matter! Get the results from an experienced Acupuncturist in Oro Valley, Marana, and Tucson – American Health Acupuncture – So much more than just needles! With Home remedies and nutritional therapies you can be assured you’ll have the safest treatment with us.

Treating Fibromyalgia with Acupuncture and Medicinal Herbal Formulas in Tucson

Here’s some help for those suffering from fibromyalgia who are seeking natural remedies:

The label “fibromyalgia” is often given when nothing else fits.

For us, this condition means that the energy and the blood are not flowing smoothly, that causes pain among other things.  It is a complicated condition because it includes the mental, emotional, as well as the physical aspect of the person.

Fibromyalgia, for me, is the body’s way of saying to the person: “We have physical and emotional problems and we need to resolve them”. The body is our alarm system, when do not feel well, we need to look within to see what we have done to cause the discomfort; but most of the time we reach for a pill or injection to deaden the feeling and then we forget about it.  Of course, some time later, it will come back and if we continue to reach for the pill eventually becomes chronic.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) we treat all these conditions effectively and naturally and our patients end up being healthy and happy!  So if you have been given this label and want to begin to help yourself; contact us today.

Tucson Acupuncture for Migraine Headache

Reap the benefits of Oriental Medicine

Juan Tejada – Licensed Tucson Acupuncturist – American Health Acupuncture   


NW Tucson


Is it possible that it will work just as well for you?

Reading this article reminds me of Joanne. She has been coming for two weeks because she was tired of her migraines after 18 years of taking drugs for them.  Last week, she brought tears to my eyes because she was so happy. She told me, “Yesterday was the first day in so many, many years I did not have a migraine headache”!

You do not have to fire your doctor to reap the benefits of Oriental Medicine; but you do need to call and make an appointment to begin your road to perfect health!  We’re here to help!

Acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain


And what causes Low Back Pain according to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Tucson Acupuncturist – Juan R. Tejada L.Ac.

Many of our patients come to us because of low back pain because they know or have been told of the effectiveness of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat this condition.

In TCM we treat the Kidneys system and open the channels of energy with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicinal Herbal Formulas. For us in TCM, poorly functioning or weak Kidneys makes your lower back susceptible to being injured easily.  Also, an obstructed/blocked Bladder channel can cause the muscles of the back to more tense for lack of Blood or Chi making the lower back (especially) susceptible to being injured. Most people get results within five treatments but we are all different so not everybody reacts the same.

TCM or Oriental Medicine has healed millions of people with conditions like this for thousands of years in a natural and loving way without side effects.

To find out more how you or a loved one can be helped naturally without drugs or surgery call us today to schedule a consultation exam.

Voted Best Acupuncture in Tucson      7130 N Omar Dr Tucson AZ 85741   

Call us today!   520-544-6603

Acupuncture for Fibromyalgia

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or Oriental Medicine (OM) views symptoms, like fibromyalgia, as a complex set of imbalances in the BodyMind and Spirit.
The body has been denied water, good food, rest and relaxation; so its energy (QI) is not flowing normally. The blood is thick due to lack of water and other factors. Because of this, the heart is stressed from the thick blood and thus cannot pump it through the body easily. The organs are not operating normally due to the lack of Qi and blood; which makes the tissues, tendons, muscles, skin, and bones not get nourishment. This causes pain, among other conditions.
The mind is unsettled because of the pain, the inability to understand the suffering, and not knowing when it is going to stop.  Patients become frustrated, because the pills are not helping, and because many times, patients are told that the pain is in their head and no one believes the intensity of their pain.
The spirit is upset because it does not get rest; it is next to impossible to sleep because of the pain.
We, at American Health Acupuncture, understand this pain and condition. We commonly treat this imbalance and have had many success stories. Let us help you to be a success too.
Funny how we need to have the 300 year old modern medicine verify that the 5000 year old medicine actually works!